Wednesday, November 16, 2011


I can't believe that it's already half way through November.
These past few months have gone by really fast.

I'm uploading right now, since I'm going on a little trip tomorrow for a few days.
And I won't be back until Sunday.
And I didn't upload what I wanted to last Saturday D:

What did Flandre get on her exam?!

Sexy Saber >////<

Evil Angel-Breaking Benjamin

Come closer.
(I need to redo the Saber photos when I get the right equipment)

Who's that nendoroid in the tree?!

A wild Miku appeared!~

So I'm leaving tomorrow and I'm bringing 3 girls with me:D
I can't promise any photos.
Since I have no idea what it's going to be like.
So we'll see.

See you next time~